

What Do You Say?

What Do You Say?

I am always curious about what different people say when meeting a new person at a social event. This is especially true at a business networking event. Is it just a boring question that everyone else asks? “How’s it going?” “How are you?” How’s business?” “How’s life treating you?” All of these ice breaker questions Continue reading

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Is Fear The Best Motivator?

Is Fear The Best Motivator?

In the selling process is fear a better motivator than pleasure? What if you sell insurance and protect people financially from the incidents they fear most? Are people more likely to buy when they fear loss or gain pleasure or peace of mind? Let’s explore what the experts say.

Psychologists who have studied our brains Continue reading

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How Many Messages Should I Leave?

How Many Messages Should I Leave?

In today’s world of communication is a voicemail sufficient enough? What is acceptable when trying to get in touch with a prospect? Prospects do screen your calls with Caller ID, especially the first time called, because they don’t recognize the number. What other steps can a salesperson or insurance agent take to reach a potential Continue reading

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